Best Investing Apps

What are the Best Investing Apps for 2024?

Investing has never been more accessible than it is today, thanks to a surge in innovative apps that cater to both budding and experienced investors. As we approach 2024, the digital landscape is brimming with options that promise to make investing simpler, more efficient, and more adaptable to your financial goals. In this blog, we delve into the best investing apps for 2024, highlighting their unique features, usability, and how they stand out in the competitive market. 

Understanding the Appeal of Mobile Investing Apps 

Mobile investing apps have revolutionized the way individuals manage their finances, allowing for stock trading, asset management, and real-time market monitoring from anywhere at any time. The convenience and accessibility provided by these apps have democratized investment, attracting a diverse range of users from all walks of life. 

Essential Investment App Features to Look for in Investing Apps 

When choosing an best investing apps, certain features can enhance your investing experience: 

  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigation should be intuitive, making it easy for users of all experience levels to manage their investments. 
  • Diverse Investment Options: The best apps offer a wide range of assets, including stocks, bonds, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies. 
  • Real-Time Data and Analytics: Access to up-to-date information and analytical tools is crucial for making informed decisions. 
  • Security Measures: Robust security features are essential to protect personal and financial information. 
  • Low Fees and Commissions: Competitive pricing is key, especially for those who trade frequently. 

 10 Best investing apps for 2024 

App Name Fees Features User Ratings 
Robinhood Commission-free Fractional shares, options trading, cryptocurrency trading 4.5/5 
Acorns $1-$5/month Round-up investing, automated portfolios 4.7/5 
Webull Commission-free Advanced charts, research tools 4.6/5 
M1 Finance Free Automated investing, customizable portfolios 4.8/5 
SoFi Invest Free Crypto trading, retirement accounts 4.4/5 
Stash $1-$9/month Education-focused, thematic investing 4.3/5 
Betterment 0.25%-0.40% Robo-advisor, goal-based investing 4.6/5 
TD Ameritrade Commission-free Extensive research, investing education 4.5/5 
Fidelity Commission-free Retirement accounts, wealth management 4.7/5 
E TRADE Commission-free Options trading, retirement planning 4.6/5 

Best Investment app for beginners- Acorns 

Acorns stands out as an excellent best investing apps for beginners due to its user-friendly interface and unique approach to investing. One of its key features is round-up investing, where it automatically rounds up your everyday purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the spare change into a diversified portfolio. This hands-off approach is ideal for those who are new to investing or prefer a more passive investment strategy. Additionally, Acorns offers automated portfolios based on your risk tolerance and financial goals, making it easy for beginners to get started without needing extensive investment knowledge. With low fees ranging from $1 to $5 per month, Acorns provides an affordable way for beginners to start building wealth over time. Overall, its simplicity, automated features, and low barrier to entry make Acorns an excellent choice for beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of investing. 

Businessman checking stock market online

Best for Financial Management- Personal Capital app 

The Personal Capital app is a excellent financial management tool that serves as a comprehensive platform for users to track and manage their finances. It is particularly popular among individuals who are focused on investment and retirement planning. The app allows users to link all their financial accounts in one place, which includes bank accounts, investment accounts, IRAs, 401(k) plans, mortgages, and other loans. This feature provides a holistic view of one’s financial status, including real-time updates on net worth and cash flow. 

Best Investing apps for Stock Trading- TD Ameritrade 

TD Ameritrade is highly regarded for stock trading due to its robust trading platforms and comprehensive tools that cater to both novice and seasoned investors. The broker offers two main apps: TD Ameritrade Mobile, which is user-friendly for casual investors, and Thinkorswim Mobile, which is designed for more advanced traders with sophisticated tools such as complex options trading, detailed charting, and real-time market news. Both apps provide access to a wide range of investment products including stocks, options, ETFs, and futures. TD Ameritrade is known for its exceptional customer service, extensive educational resources, and $0 commissions on online stock, options, and ETF trades, making it a competitive choice for traders looking for a comprehensive trading experience. 

Best Investing apps for ETF Investing- Vanguard 

Vanguard is widely recognized as one of the best investing apps for free ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) investing, appealing particularly to investors looking for low-cost, long-term investment options. Vanguard offers a vast array of its own ETFs with no commission fees, making it an attractive choice for cost-conscious investors. The platform is known for its strong focus on low expense ratios, which can significantly enhance investment returns over time. Vanguard’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive resources support both new and experienced investors in building a diversified ETF portfolio. Additionally, Vanguard’s reputation for stability and its focus on investor education make it a trusted platform for those looking to invest in ETFs without incurring high fees. 

Best for Real-Estate Investing: Fundrise 

Fundrise shines as a best investing apps for beginners in real estate investing. With a low $10 minimum investment, it allows you to diversify across various residential properties via a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) structure. This means you don’t directly own property, but rather own shares in a pool of real estate holdings. Fundrise offers transparency through detailed property information and aims for long-term capital gains and potentially steady dividends. However, keep in mind your money might be less liquid compared to direct property ownership. 

Best for Micro-Investing: Fidelity 

Fidelity stands out for micro-investing thanks to its user-friendly interface and commission-free trade. They offer a program called “Stocks by the Slice” which allows you to invest in fractional shares of stocks and ETFs for just $1. This makes it perfect for anyone starting out or wanting to invest smaller amounts regularly. You can build a diversified portfolio over time by buying bits and pieces of different companies or entire funds. Fidelity boasts a massive selection of over 7,000 stocks and ETFs to choose from, giving you significant flexibility in crafting your investment strategy. There are no account minimums or fees to open a brokerage account, making it a very accessible platform. However, keep in mind micro-investing is a long-term strategy and requires patience to see substantial returns. 

How to Choose the Right App for You 

Choosing the best investing apps depends on your individual needs, investment goals, and experience level. Consider what features are most important to you, whether it’s educational resources, low fees, or advanced trading tools, and make sure the app you choose meets these requirements. 


Q: What makes an investing app user-friendly? 

A: A user-friendly investing app offers a clean, intuitive interface, straightforward navigation, and readily accessible support. 

Q: How important are security features in an investing app? 

A: Security is paramount in any investing app as it handles sensitive financial and personal data. Look for apps with two-factor authentication, encryption, and secure servers. 

Q: Can beginners and advanced users use the same investing app? 

A: While some apps are designed specifically for beginners or advanced users, several platforms cater to all levels by offering a range of tools and resources suitable for various experience levels. 

Q: Are there investing apps without fees? 

A: Many apps offer zero commission trading on certain assets or have lower fee structures, but it’s important to read the fine print for any associated costs. 

Q: How can I monitor my investments on the go? 

A: Most best investing apps offer mobile platforms that allow you to monitor and manage your portfolio directly from your smartphone or tablet. 


Investing apps are a cornerstone of modern financial management, providing tools that can cater to investors of all types and experience levels. As we look towards 2024, the apps listed above are poised to help users achieve their financial goals through innovative technology and user-centric designs. Whether you are just starting out or are a seasoned investor, there’s an app on this list that can meet your needs and help you navigate the complexities of investing in today’s dynamic markets. Remember, choosing the best investing apps is about finding the balance between features, fees, and security. 

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