How to Save Money on Groceries

10 Tips on How to Save Money on Groceries

Groceries are one of the biggest expenses for most households. According to a recent survey, the average monthly grocery bill in India and many other countries is  is Rs. 6,759¹. That’s a lot of money, especially if you’re trying to save for other goals.

But don’t worry, there are ways to reduce your grocery spending without compromising on quality or nutrition. In this blog post, we’ll share 10 practical tips on how to save money on groceries. By following these tips, you can save up to 30% on your grocery bill every month.

Tip #1: Plan Your Meals in advance

One of the best ways to save money on groceries is to plan your meals ahead of time. This way, you can avoid impulse buying, food waste, and eating out. You can also take advantage of seasonal produce, sales, and coupons.

To plan your meals, you can use a simple spreadsheet, a calendar, or an app. You can also check out some online resources for meal planning ideas, such as [Budget Bytes], [Cooking on a Budget], and [The Financial Diet].

Tip #2: Make a Shopping List and Stick to It

Once you have your meal plan, you can make a shopping list based on the ingredients you need. A shopping list can help in avoiding unnecessary expenses and purchases. It can also help you compare prices and choose the best deals.

To make a shopping list, you can use a pen and paper, a smartphone app, or a website. You can also use some online tools to generate shopping lists based on your meal plan, such as [SuperCook], [BigOven], and [Eat This Much].

Tip #3: Shop at Cheaper Stores or Online

Another way to save money on groceries is to shop at cheaper stores or online. You can find lower prices and better deals at local markets, wholesale clubs, discount stores, or online platforms. You can also save time and gas by shopping less frequently and buying in bulk.

To find the cheapest stores or online platforms, you can use some apps or websites that compare prices and offer discounts, such as [Grofers], [BigBasket], and [PriceBaba].

Tip #4: Buy Generic or Store Brands

Buying generic or store brands can help you save money on groceries without sacrificing quality. Generic or store brands are usually cheaper than name brands, but they have the same ingredients and standards. You can find generic or store brands for almost any product, from staples to snacks.

To buy generic or store brands, you can look for labels that say “compare to” or “same as” the name brand. You can also read the ingredient list and nutrition facts to make sure they are similar. You can also check out some online reviews or ratings to see what other customers think of them.

Tip #5: Buy in Season, Frozen, or Canned

Buying in season, frozen, or canned can help you save money on groceries and enjoy more variety and nutrition. In season produce is usually cheaper, fresher, and tastier than out of season produce. Frozen or canned produce is usually cheaper, longer-lasting, and more convenient than fresh produce.

To buy in season, frozen, or canned, you can check out some online guides or calendars that show you what’s in season in your area, such as [Seasonal Food Guide], [Eat the Seasons], and [Fruits and Veggies for Better Health].

Tip #6: Cook from Scratch and Batch Cook

Cooking from scratch and batch cooking can help you save money on groceries and eat healthier. Cooking from scratch means making your own meals and snacks using basic ingredients, rather than buying ready-made or processed foods. Batch cooking means making large quantities of food at once and freezing or refrigerating them for later use.

Cooking from scratch and batch cooking can help you save money by reducing your food waste, using cheaper ingredients, and avoiding eating out. They can also help you eat healthier by controlling your portions, ingredients, and calories.

To cook from scratch and batch cook, you can use some online recipes or cookbooks that are easy, cheap, and healthy, such as [Good and Cheap], [Budget Bytes], and [The Kitchn].

Tip #7: Use Coupons, Cashback, and Loyalty Programs

Using coupons, cashback, and loyalty programs can help you save money on groceries and get rewarded for your spending. Coupons are vouchers that offer discounts or freebies on certain products or stores. Cashback is a percentage of your spending that is returned to you as cash or credit. Loyalty programs are schemes that offer points or rewards for your frequent purchases.

Using coupons, cashback, and loyalty programs can help you save money by lowering your final bill, getting refunds, or redeeming rewards. They can also help you discover new products or stores that suit your needs and preferences.

To use coupons, cashback, and loyalty programs, you can use some apps or websites that collect and offer them, such as [CouponDunia], [CashKaro], and [Paytm].

Tip #8: Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food can help you save money on groceries and enjoy more freshness and flavor. Growing your own food means planting and harvesting your own fruits, vegetables, herbs, or spices in your garden, balcony, or windowsill. You can also raise your own chickens, bees, or worms for eggs, honey, or compost.

Growing your own food can help you save money by reducing your grocery bill, avoiding transportation costs, and using organic methods. It can also help you enjoy more freshness and flavor by eating food that is ripe, seasonal, and pesticide-free.

To grow your own food, you can use some online guides or books that teach you how to start and maintain a garden, such as [Gardening Know How], [The Spruce], and [The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible].

Tip #9: Reduce Your Food Waste

Reducing your food waste can help you save money on groceries and protect the environment. Reducing your food waste means preventing or minimizing the amount of food that is thrown away or spoiled. You can do this by buying only what you need, storing food properly, using leftovers, and composting.

Reducing your food waste can help you save money by making the most of your food, avoiding unnecessary purchases, and lowering your garbage fees. It can also help you protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and land use.

To reduce your food waste, you can use some online tools or apps that help you track and manage your food, such as [FoodKeeper], [No Waste], and [OLIO].

Tip #10: Track Your Grocery Spending

Tracking your grocery spending can help you save money on groceries and achieve your financial goals. Tracking your grocery spending means recording and analyzing how much money you spend on groceries every week, month, or year. You can do this by using receipts, bank statements, or apps.

Tracking your grocery spending can help you save money by identifying your spending patterns, finding areas to cut costs, and setting a realistic budget. It can also help you achieve your financial goals by allocating your money wisely, saving more, and investing more.

To track your grocery spending, you can use some online tools or apps that help you monitor and manage your money, such as [Money Manager], [Walnut], and [Mint].


Saving money on groceries is possible and easy with these 10 practical tips. By following these tips, you can reduce your grocery bill by up to 30% every month.

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